Night before last I had another stress dream: We were doing a reader's theater version of a play of
Tenessee Williams, I think it was supposed to be "Glass Menagerie," but the lines weren't familiar. At least we had a script in front of us, however, it was all written on scraps of loose paper, cloth, etc., and the lines kept appearing and disappearing. The house was full.
Last night Robby G.'s personal information in the
About Me part of his Blog said he'd been teaching school on "Puffin Island, Alaska," and in spite of his having been there for so long, it didn't prove puffins existed, as he had never seen one. Which reminded me of this old poem by Florence Page Jacques that kept running through my head and I couldn't go back to sleep....
There once was a Puffin
Just the shape of a muffin
And he lived on an island
In the bright blue sea
And he ate little fishes
That were most delicious
And he had them for supper
And he had them for tea.
Then along came the fishes
And they said, "If you wishes
You can have us for playmates
Instead of for tea!"
So they now play together
In all sorts of weather
And the Puffin eats pancakes
Like you and like me.